
When making a purchase using PayPal on sonchester fashion, you’ll be utilizing reference transactions for faster checkouts on subsequent purchases. This website, operated by sonchester fashion, offers various services and tools conditioned upon your acceptance of our terms and conditions.
By using our site or purchasing from us, you agree to these Terms of Service. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree with all terms and conditions, please refrain from using the website or our services. We may update or change these Terms of Service by posting updates on our website. Continued use of the site after such changes constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms.
Our guidelines prohibit certain materials on sonchester fashion:
  • No content infringing on intellectual property rights.
  • No obscenity, pornography, or non-artistic nudity.
  • No content glorifying drug use/abuse or excessive violence.
  • No libelous, defamatory, harassing, or threatening content.
  • No hate speech or discriminatory content.
  • No content encouraging illegal activities.
You must be of legal age to use our services. Do not use our products for unlawful purposes. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Your data may be transmitted over networks as needed. You agree not to exploit our services without permission.
We aim for accurate, timely information on our site. Historical information may not be current. We may change product prices or services without notice. Products may be exclusive to certain regions or subject to return policies.
We may refuse orders and update or cancel quantities. Provide accurate billing and account information. Your use of our website is subject to our Privacy Policy.
We may offer third-party tools with no warranties. Third-party links are beyond our control. Your comments may be used by us. We reserve the right to monitor and edit comments.
Your personal information is governed by our Privacy Policy. We correct errors in information when found.
Do not misuse our site or services for unlawful activities. We may terminate your access if you violate these Terms.
We do not guarantee uninterrupted service. Use our services at your own risk. We are not liable for damages arising from product use or service interruption.
You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from claims due to your breach of these Terms.
If a provision is deemed unenforceable, the rest of the Terms remain valid.
These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between you and us. They are governed by US laws.
We may update these Terms at any time. Check our website for changes. Continued use of our site after changes constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms.